a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
Dates fotograficasa price 2015: between October 2015 and Mai 2016.
Duration: between 4 weeks (minimum) and 6 weeks (possibility to extend the stay if justified). ​
During his/her stay, the photographer will be involved in a workshop aimed at children from Cap Corse (primary school + Junior High) including an exhibition and/or a screening.
At the beginning of the stay, the photographer will be introduced to the inhabitants of Rogliano/Maccinagio. This will be a chance to showcase his/her work but also to get to know the community and exchange with the inhabitants to help your future work.
In the months following the end of the residence, an exhibition will be organised and a portfolio put together in order to share the experience more widely with the community.
The artist will donate 3 original prints (numbered and signed) from the original series produced during the residence; these prints will be added to the fotogragicasa Photographic Library.
We will keep a high-def electronic archive of the series produced during the residence which won’t be used for any commercial purpose, except the promotion of fotograficasa’s activity. Any other uses of the images will be subject to a preliminary agreement with the artist.
Any sale made during the fotograficasa* exhibitions will involve a 30% commission for the association.
The artist keeps full copyright of his/her work.
Residence – Details