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©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*


A unique photographic and human experience in an extra-ordinary location based on three major aspects of contemporary photography:


-personnal, creative, author photography

-editing / how to build a coherent series of photos

-the way to give one's own series of photos the most appropriate issue: book, exhibition, slideshow...


Located in the Cap Corse (at the Northern tip of the island) Fotograficasa is a place out of time combining the warmth of a family house equipped with all modern facilities (as well as professional material, computers, printing machines...) and a Renaissance palace lost amidst the Corsican maquis. Staying within the house during the time of the workshop, the participants   are treated as guests by the mentor Klavdij Sluban and the owners of the place Rita Scaglia and Pascal Dolméieux.


This total commitment to creation allows a rigourous yet fluid schedule dedicated to taking pictures, editing and finding the most appropriate way to show one's work on the last evening of the workshop.


Internationally acclaimed for his Black and White work, Klavdij Sluban also shares his experience with teenagers in jails and gives workshops and masterclasses all around the world.

In order to give this workshop a unique approach taking into acount the specificity of the house as well as the flabbergasting landscapes, K.Sluban visited the place prior to decide about the way the workshop will be run. Therefore this programme is tailor-made, taking into account local life habits, the ideal light of the month of June, meeting the shepherds and sailors friends to the family, the Cap Corse landscapes, daily excursions to explore places of very different kinds, such as « the Path of Customs Officers Â» running along the coast of the cape, the medieval villages of Pietracorbara and Canari linked by the so well-named Path of Lights, an asbestos mine where Tarkovsky coud have made Stalker, American palazzi, palaces of the 19th century in the neoclassic toscan style, monumental tombs, dramatic sea landscapes....


The week will be organised between  all of these various explorations where each participant will find a personal approach to express him or herself, sessions 'at home', where participants' daily work will be looked at, edited in group with proof prints spread all over a huge wooden table, as well as individual sessions with Klavdij Sluban, without forgetting one of the major local climaxes: the siesta.

All meals prepared with local ingredients will be shared in common.


Who can participate?

All levels accepted if passionate.

Opened from amateurs to professional photographers, from students to...professors.

K.Sluban's long experience helps each participate to find his/her own photographic language reflecting his/her inner self.

Show me your photos, I will tell you who you are.








Klavdij Sluban

Winner of the European Publishers Award for Photography 2009, of the Leica Prize (2004) and of the Niépce Prize (2000), main French prize in photography, Klavdij Sluban is a French photographer of Slovenian origin born in Paris in 1963.

He develops a rigorous and coherent body of work, nourished by literature, never inspired by immediate and sensational current affairs, making him one of the most interesting photographers of his generation. The Balkans, the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Caribbean, Central America, Russia, China and the Antarctic (first artistic mission in the Kerguelen islands) can be read as many successive steps of an in-depth study of a patient proximity to the encountered real. His images have been shown in such leading institutions as the Metropolitan Museum of Photography of Tokyo, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, the Rencontres d'Arles, the Museum of Photography in Helsinki, the Fine Arts Museum in Canton, the Musée Beaubourg, the Museum of Texas Tech University...
His many books include Beirut (Steidl), East to East (published simultaneously by Actes Sud, Dewi Lewis, Petliti, Braus, Apeiron & Lunwerg with a text by Erri de Luca), Entre Parenthèses, (Photo Poche, Actes Sud), Transverses, (Maison Européenne de la Photographie) and Balkans -Transit, with a text by François Maspero (Seuil).
Since 1995, Sluban has been running photography workshops with young offenders in prison. First originated in France, in the prison of Fleury-Mérogis with support from Henri Cartier-Bresson, Marc Riboud and William Klein, this commitment was pursued in the disciplinary camps of Eastern Europe –Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia, Latvia – and in the disciplinary centres of Moscow and St Petersburg as well as in Ireland. Since 2007 Sluban has been working in Central America with imprisoned youngsters belonging to maras (gangs) in Guatemala and Salvador.
In 2013, the musée Niépce showed a retrospective of K.Sluban's work, After Darkness, 1995-2012.







Master class with Klavdij Sluban june 5/10 2016

  Of Time and Space


©Jean Christophe Béchet

Who can participate?

All levels accepted if passionate.

Opened from amateurs to professional photographers, from students to...professors.

K.Sluban's long experience helps each participate to find his/her own photographic language reflecting his/her inner self.

Show me your photos, I will tell you who you are.


Time schedule

Participants are welcomed on saturday.

Workshop starts on sunday morning till friday evening / night ( 6 work days )

Deapture on saturday.

Schedule: Im Lauf der Zeit.

Introduction to 'photography as a profession', that is to say how to make one's own living out of a passion.

Subtle balance between shooting on the ground and soothing sessions 'at home'.

Reading of porfolios. Essential phase of the workshop. Sessions will be done in group. Bring 40  to 60 proof prints.

Time will be shared between life group and individual / solitary retreats.

Daily reading of pictures of the day. In group and individually with K.Sluban.

According to the on-going project, finding the most appropriate way to show it as an achived series at the end of the week (exhibition, book, slideshow...).

Final one-to-one interview.

All meals taken in group at Fotogrficasa. Home-made food.

The education of the eye

All along the workshop, references will be given not only issued from the photographic field, but also from visual arts, literature...

The well-furnished library is on disposal for the participants. Photos, documentary films, movies wil be shown on a home-cinema.


Price of the workshop 580€

Number of participants: 10 ( maximum )

Based on the system first come first served.


Material to bring

-Your photographs (between 40 and 60) that will be analyzed in a constructive way. This approach will enable each participant to define the theme to be treated during the week, as well as his/her most appropriate photogrpahic language.

-Books, portfolios, on-going projects...

-A digital camera with a fix lens and its accessories: extra batteries, memory cards, cable for image transfer to a computer, usb key, external hard disk...

-A laptop if you have one.

-Notebook or recorder to jot down all references given by the mentor as well personal ideas, thoughts, inspiration, all of these so swift to fly away.

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