a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
While shooting you are facing reality but composing, recomposing or dealing with the arrangement of the natural light can be a first step who becomes misleading if you forget that every human being has his own psychological reality, often based on phantasm or repressed memories, stronger than « outside » reality and introducing interpretation.
Each participant will show his own portfolio followed by the the presentation of FH’s one.
Before getting to the heart of the master class matter you will need to write a synopsis, kind of skeleton of the future series and as an helpful direction to follow for the realization of the story.
Ideally you should have finished the full story just before the end of the workshop so that we could have time enough to discuss and analyse the result all together while showing it on a screen.
- Any documents (pictures, portfolio) allowing to assess your experience, skills and style.
- Digital camera(s) (Being based in an isolated Corsican village, it is difficult to work with analog photography
- Digital single-lens reflex camera available on request)
- One, or various, new notebook.
- You should bring at least 3 memory cards, potentially a USB key, an external hard drive and/or a laptop to store your images.
7 persons limited
Françoise Huguier lives and works in France. She was revealed by the frenh daily” Liberation” .Her desire to travel is to feel and makes her goes regularly in Africa, then she travels to Siberia, the Urals, the Bering Strait, and South Africa , Cambodia, where she was abducted at the age of 8 by the Viet minh then Russia, southeast Asia and Colombia.
Her extensive bibliography describes all her work.
She also focused on fashion photography and worked for the most prestigious titles like Vogue, New York Times magazine, ID Women’s wear, Marie-Claire…
She is also director and gets to his first feature film "Kommunalka" the Anna Politkovskia price.
In recent years, she became also Artistic Director and Curator of exhibitions and Festivals in France and abroad.
2008. Delegated to the Mois de la Photo in Paris. Carte blanche from the photographic collections of the Musée du Quai Branly (reserves and plateau). Asked Christian Lacroix, artistic director of the Rencontres d'Arles, exhibition Kommunalka. First feature documentary, Kommunalka, performed in St. Petersburg in camera in an apartment community produced films here. The film was selected at Cannes, distributed in Paris and runs in many festivals in France, Europe and Canada.
2009. Artist residency in Singapore. Begins a three-part work on the middle classes in Southeast Asia which gives rise to an initial exposure, Do not Move at Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore.
2010. Commissioner General of the 2nd International Biennial of the image to Luang Prabang in Laos.
2011. Joined the agency VU. Artistic Director Photoquai 2011. Gets the price of Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts to finish his project on the middle classes of South-East Asia.
2012. Member of the jury at the International Festival of Films Créteil Women. Member of the jury "aid short film" in Seine-Saint-Denis. Participation in the round table Serge Daney (French Cinematheque) presenting her film” Serge’s eyes” . Receives the insignia of Officer of Arts and Letters. Continues to work on the middle class in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. Artist residency to work on various religious congregations
2014 Exhibitions in France
Villa PERROCHON in Niort about the middle classes in Southeast Asia. And the K-Pop
MERCIGNAC PHOTOGRAPHIC FESTIVAL at the « Vieille église Saint Vincent » « mode et voyage »
Museum CEVENOL au Vigan (gard) « SUBLIMES »
« Keep dreaming » rétrospective at the Maison Européenne de la photographie PARIS

Is there a way of hiding reality for a photographer ?