a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
Photographers in Residence

Every year, fotograficasa will award a prize and will welcome a photographer in residence, regardless of age & nationality. The duration of the stay ranges between 4 weeks (minimum) and 6 weeks (possibility to extend the stay if justified). ​
The artist will produce a unique piece of work inspired by the Corsican Cap. The artist, however, will have an entire freedom regarding the theme and the evolution of his work. Feel free asking more informations.
A jury composed of photography experts will select the winning artists.
Jury 2014 chairs by Claudine Maugendre
​​Jim Brogden ( Professeur de Photographie à l' université de Leeds, GB & photographe )
Pascal Dolémieux ( Photographer & art director fotograficasa )
Marcel Fortini ( Directeur du Centre Méditerranéen de la Photographie & photographe )
Claudine Maugendre ( Commissaire d'expositions & consultant )​ ​
Laura Serani ( curator, critic & consultant ) ​
Dorothée Smith ( photographe )
Jury 2015 chairs by Claudine Maugendre
Pascal Dolémieux ( Photographer & art director fotograficasa )
Ange Leccia ( Directeur du Pavillon Neuflize OBC, la résidence d’artistes du Palais de Tokyo in Paris )
Claudine Maugendre ( Curator & consultant )​ ​
Christine Ollier ( Art historian & curator, art director at galerie les Filles du Calvaire à Paris)
Michel Philippot ( Photographer, critic & picture editor )
Laura Serani ( curator, critic & consultant ) ​
and also 2014 award winner fotograficasa residence: Hortense le Calvez and Mathieu Goussin et Dune Varela
Terms of the Residence
3000€ + Travel Cost + Accomodation + Car, including gas + art equipment ( ink, paper . . . )
As much as possible, the artist will be alleviated from daily tasks so as to focus entirely on his art.
Calm, convivial or quiet – the artist will decide on which atmosphere suits her/him best, from isolating oneself to sharing the daily rhythm of the house . . .
​Application 2015
The deadline for the 2015 residence preselection is september 25th 2015.
The application is to be sent electronically at fotograficasa.corsica@gmail.com
The preselection results will be announced by mail on october 5th 2015,
Selected photographers will send their prints for final selection before october 15th 2014.
Prizes will be award on november 5th 2015
- Registration form
- Biography
​- Personal statement
- Presentation of the project & means in consequence
- 10 et 15 pictures ( mini 600 maxi 800 pixel height )