a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
Claudine Doury master class 2013 may 26/may 31
​In this workshop, Claudine Doury invites us to use reality to create our own fiction. She invites us to engage in a reflection on the various ways to draw on the real to tell a story.
Attendees will create a fictional narrative based on their own way of looking at the world, on their interests and obsessions by using the natural environment and spirit of the place. Attendees will tailor a project summoning their experiences by focusing especially on their hidden desires and wishes. Claudine Doury will help students in putting together their creation and weaving the central theme of their story. After the shootings, the focus is put on editing in order to constitute a photographic sequence that takes into account the running order, the way images are put in perspective and juxtaposed. The series will then be displayed and a portfolio will be put together in the process.
Outline of the workshop:
-Analysis of the attendees’ previous work
-Discussion leading to the design of the personal project.
-Daily photo shoots.
-Individual and collective analysis of the shootings.
-Selection of images in order to create a series.
-Attendees will constitute a portfolio using small size prints.
-Display of the series and concluding thoughts on the workshop.
Necessary things to bring with you:
-Any documents (pictures, portfolio) allowing to assess your experience, skills and style.
-Digital camera(s) (Being based in an isolated Corsican village, it is difficult to work with analog photography - Digital single-lens reflex camera available on request)
-One, or various, new notebook.
-You should bring at least 3 memory cards, potentially a USB key, an external hard drive and/or a laptop to store your images.
Claudine DOURY was born in Blois and is now based in Paris. She won prestigious awards, including the Leica Oscar Barnack prize (1999) and the World Press Photos award (2000). In 2004, she received the Niepce prize for the body of her life work.
She published four books: Peuples de Sibérie (Le Seuil Editions), Artek, un été en Crimée (Editions La Martinière), Loulan Beauty (Editions du Chêne) and Sasha (Editions Le Caillou Bleu).
She is a member of the Vu agency and is represented in Paris by La Galerie Particulière and in Bruxelles by La Box Galerie